Aliens and Scientists

I posted a blog back on June 14 about my fondness for conspiracy theories. One I mentioned was the alien conspiracy. I said then that it was one conspiracy I thought was very possible. Recently, this story appeared. A top Harvard scientist, Dr Abraham “Avi” Loeb says the material found at the bottom of the…

Let Me Tell You

There’s a joke that goes, How do you know someone is vegan? The answer: They’ll tell you. It’s supposed to be snarky—or just plain insulting. The idea being that vegans talk about veganism all the time. Some probably do, but not most. Take me, for instance. I’ll bet you had no idea that I’ve been…

Happy Pi(e) Day

So, today is March 14th or 3/14 if you use US date conventions. (If not, welcome to 14/3/23), but feel free to join us in the festivities! In case you shoved all your math classes out of your head to make room for Netflix binging,  3.14 is pi.  Just p and i, no e. Which…

Happy 2023

Happy 2023

My grandmother always said that what you do on New Year’s day is what you’ll be doing all year. When I think of that now, I wonder how many people will be having hangovers all year. Or staying up late to watch television. Or sleeping half the day because they were up late. Okay, that…

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Today in the US is Thanksgiving. It’s a day when it’s traditional to consider what we’re thankful for. Today I’m thankful for my nice, little apartment. I’m thankful for being given the gift of writing because it allows me to be productive. I’m thankful for my friends. I know I’m terrible about calling, writing, emailing,…